Recognised testing institute of the Swiss Association of Canton Fire Insurance VKF/AEAI
MFPA Leipzig GmbH is recognised by the VKF as a body for testing and assessing structures for obtaining VKF certification. Our test and assessment reports enable our clients to be added to the fire protection register of the VKF.
The fire protection guidelines of the VKF that apply in Switzerland are the legal basis for fire protection in buildings. The fire protection register of the VKF includes all products and specialist companies recognised by the VKF, as well as useful technical information for using building products that meVKFcompanile-light" b"eight(); MFPA Leipzig GmbH is recognised by the VKF as a body for testing ansed testing institute of the Swiss Association of Canton Fire Insurance VKF/AEAIRecognised testing iavbar-n=uncontmedia .
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