High temperature tensile tests at up to 1,350°C

Offener Ofen zur Prüfung mit installiertem Prüfkörper

Precise knowledge of the temperature-dependent mechanical characteristics is essential for describing the load-deformation behaviour of steel structures under thermal stress.

Bridge load testing using the Load testing vehicle (BELFA)

Luftaufnahme (Drohne) der Brückenbelastungsprüfung an der

The new BELFA guarantees efficient bridge load testing.
State-of-the-art technology and experienced staff enable us to perform laboratory-quality on-site testing.

EOTA – accelerated facade system testing


Accredited testing of thermal insulation systems and curtain walls in line with various technical specifications on our hygrothermal wall testing station.

Facade firetesting stations

Brandversuch einer Grünfassade mit Pflanzen am Fassadenprüfstand

Facade fire testing employs test procedures for assessing the fire behaviour of exterior wall cladding according to different standards and specifications.

Fire behaviourof tunnel components

Außenansicht des Tunnelprüfofens in der Brandprüfstelle der MFPA in Laue

Fire tests are used to determine the fire resistance of tunnel concretes, fire protection systems using plates or plaster, and the preservation of the bearing capacity.

Longitudinal wave conduction testing station

Aufbau des Längsschallleitungsprüfstands mit 2 Kammern

Our modern longitudinal wave conduction testing station enables us to perform measurements of flanking transmission of airborne sound, footstep sound and sound of building technology installations in line with the applicable standards.