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Tunneling excursion with students from HTWK Leipzig

Together with students of the HTWK Leipzig – University of Applied Sciences Leipzig, we visited the tunnel construction project “Kramertunnel” in Garmisch-Partenkirchen last Thursday as part of the civil engineering course.

The aim was to provide an insight into the world of civil engineering and thus to deepen the already acquired theoretical knowledge by means of a practical example. In particular, seeing and touching things that are otherwise only discussed theoretically, walking through and inspecting a tunnel tube strengthen the basic theoretical knowledge.

With the support of our managing director Dr.-Ing. habil Jörg Schmidt, our division manager Dipl.-Ing. Marko Orgass from the “Materials and Building Physics” division, and the Weilheim State Building Authority, the special features of this tunnel construction were explained and discussed together with you in order to sharpen your feeling for your own designs.

It was only through this exchange between students and engineers with practical experience that solutions for a wide variety of problems could be discussed – far beyond previous knowledge.